我是赞成“全面发展,因材施教”的方针的;方针既然未定,理论也暂不多谈;先用事实来谈谈用高三分科的办法贯彻因材施教原则的必要性。 (一)一个现实的问题本学期,在北京师大数、理、化三系部分四年级学生来我校实习期间,我校数学教师韩明德同志会在高二(一)班举行了以“数列的极限”为课题的观摩教学。原计划是按照课本上的讲法,给极限下这么一个定义:变量x趋于定量a,且变量x与定量a之差的
I am in favor of the principle of “all-round development, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude”; since the guidelines have not yet been established, the theory will not be discussed for a moment; first, the facts must be used to talk about the necessity of implementing the principle of applying students according to their aptitude. (1) A realistic question During the semester, during the internship of some fourth-grade students from the Beijing Normal University, Beijing Normal University, and the Department of Mathematics and Physics of the Beijing Normal University, Comrade Han Mingde, a mathematics teacher from the university, will hold a series of lectures in the senior 2 class. Limit" is the subject of teaching. The original plan was to define the limit in terms of textbooks: The variable x tends to quantify a, and the difference between the variable x and the ration a