由“西部数据”(Western Digital)全力冠名的小熊在线第七届冬季DIY大赛经过紧张激烈的网上评选,一个多月的期待、盼望、等待,到了今天终于有了结果。参赛者们拿出闪亮的创意相互交流,使得比赛一时难分高下。经过网友们的慎重的投票和资深评委、知名硬件高手的公正评选,大赛获奖者名单终于在众目期盼中揭晓。来自天津的贾振、江苏的姜鹏、浙江的屠界奇分获5000元组、8000元组和10000元组的一等奖。详情请登陆www.beareyes.com。
Through the fiercely competitive online selection of the Bear Online Online 7th Winter DIY Competition, which was fully titled by Western Digital, more than a month of expectation, hope, and wait have finally come to fruition. The contestants exchanged their shiny ideas and made the game difficult to distinguish. After netizens’ careful voting and the fair selection of senior judges and well-known hardware experts, the list of contest winners has finally been revealed in the eyes of the audience. Jia Zhen from Tianjin, Jiang Peng from Jiangsu, and Tuqiqi from Zhejiang won first prizes for 5,000 yuan, 8,000 yuan, and 10,000 yuan. For more information, visit www.beareyes.com.