当年福莱尔问世的时候,车市上称得上“靓车”的车型还寥寥无几。这款依托日本ALTO平台开发出的,具有完全自主知识产权的微型车,很快就以时尚亮丽的外形、宽敞的驾乘空间以及低廉的价格吸引了众多消费者的关注。仅2002年一年,福莱尔的销量就达到17万多辆,这对于一个多年来还依靠老车型在车市艰难打拚的企业来说,无疑是一次发展壮大的机遇。而深圳比亚迪股份有限公司以其在资金上的优势和对市场的深刻领悟,在品质、研发和服务体系等方面对福莱尔进行了全面的改造。6个月后,一款动力更强、工艺更精细、操作更灵活并且驾乘更舒心的福莱尔就投放了市场。这款排量为1.1 L的福莱尔究竟可爱在哪,我不禁要亲自体验一番。
When Fleury came out, the car market called “car ” models are few. Developed with Japan’s proprietary ALTO platform and with fully autonomous intellectual property rights, the mini-car quickly attracted the attention of consumers with its sleek appearance, spacious driving space and low prices. In 2002 alone, Flärel’s sales reached more than 170,000 units, which for a number of years also rely on the old car in the automobile market hard to find enterprises, is undoubtedly an opportunity to grow and develop. BYD Company Limited Shenzhen, with its financial advantages and insight into the market, carried out a complete renovation of Forrester in terms of quality, research and development and service system. After 6 months, a more motivated, more sophisticated process, more flexible and more comfortable to drive, Floresh was introduced to the market. This is the discharge of 1.1 L of the flair cute where I can not help but to personally experience it.