有时候,观看高水平的比赛并不都是精彩刺激,悬念叠生的场面。本赛季WTA留给人们的印象就是美国人大多了,从年初的澳网到刚刚结束的美网公开赛,全部荣誉都扣在了美国人的头上。特别是在本届美网开始的时候,有人预言进入女子四强的将全部是美国女将。但是,毛瑞斯莫出现了,就像1999年澳网那样,在完全不被看好的情况下击败卡普里亚蒂成功杀入四强,从而打破了美国人的神话。 1979年5月17日出生的阿梅丽·毛瑞斯莫来自法国影城戛纳,性格浪漫率直,名字与去年热播全球的法国电影《阿梅丽的奇妙命运》中的女主人公同名,但显然她没有女主角那般的古灵精怪。在女子网坛恐怕没有谁会将毛瑞斯莫同天使联系在一起,尽管在她的手臂上也文有天使的图案,但多数人不
Sometimes, watching high-level competitions is not all exciting and suspenseful. This season WTA left the impression that most Americans, from the beginning of the Australian Open to the just-concluded US Open, all honors are deducted in the hands of the Americans. Especially at the beginning of the current US Open, it was predicted that all women entering the women’s top four will be American women’s generals. However, Mauresimo emerged, just as in 1999 Australian Open, defeating Capriati completely without being optimistic reached the semi-finals, thus breaking the American myth. May 17, 1979 was born Ameili Maurysimo came from Cannes, France, romantic character, the name and hit the world last year, the French movie “Amelia’s fate,” the heroine in the name, but obviously She has no heroine that weird. I am afraid no one in the women’s tennis will Mauresimo linked with the angels, although the text in her arm also has an angel pattern, but most people do not