提高教育質量,培養全面發展的合格的社會主義建設人材,是當前教育事業中的中心任務。如何具體實现這一任務呢? ‘這首先要求教師努力鑽研教材,深刻領會和掌握自己所教學科的教學目的、思想內容和科學內容。相應地改進教學方法,以求正確系統地進行教學。’因此在執行提高教育質量的任務中,教師首先要抓緊鑽研教材相應改進教學方法這個基本環節。本文僅就如何鑽研教材提出幾點意見和同志們共同商討,並希望多多交換意見與體會,以推動我們歷史教學的改進。首先,鑽研教材必須以全面發展的教育方針爲指導思想。其所以必須如此,就是因爲這一方針,是社會主義性質的教育的根本方針。它下能是僅僅
To improve the quality of education and to foster qualified and fully qualified personnel for the socialist construction is the central task of education at present. How to achieve this task? ’This first requires teachers to work hard to study teaching materials, profound understanding and grasp of their teaching subjects teaching purposes, ideological content and scientific content. Improve teaching methods accordingly, in order to teach correctly and systematically. Therefore, in carrying out the task of improving the quality of education, teachers should first pay close attention to studying the basic teaching materials to improve teaching methods accordingly. This article only on how to study textbooks put forward some opinions and comrades to discuss, and hope to exchange views and understanding, in order to promote the improvement of our history teaching. First of all, the study of teaching materials must be based on the comprehensive development of education as a guiding principle. So it must be because of this principle, which is the fundamental principle of a socialist education. It can only be under it