龟蜡蚧Ceroplastes japonicus Green是较难防治的一种枣树主要害虫。该虫一年发生一代,以雌成虫越冬。在不少枣林中,由于用药不当,大量杀死天敌昆虫,导致其再增猖獗。反之,有些地方注意保护天敌,施药适当,甚至不用药,却控制了蚧虫不致成灾。例如,河南内黄枣区1974年用飞机大面积喷撤六六六和DDT防治枣树上的黄刺蛾,黄刺蛾治下去了,但龟蜡蚧却由于天敌昆虫大量被消灭而猖獗成灾,造成年产3000万斤
Ceroplastes japonicus Green is more difficult to control a jujube tree pests. A generation of pests occurs throughout the year, overwintering with adult worms. In many jujube forests, due to improper medication, killing a large number of natural enemy insects, leading to its re-rampant. Conversely, in some places, attention should be paid to protecting natural enemies, applying pesticides properly or not, and controlling scale insects without causing disaster. For example, the yellow dates in 1974 in Henan Province by jetting a large area of flight 666 and DDT control yellow jujube tree doth, the yellow thorn moths go, but the turtle wax scale but due to the natural enemies of a large number of destroyed and rampant into Disaster, resulting in an annual output of 30 million kg