黑棕鳃金龟Apogonia cupreoviri-dis Kolbe 在国内主要分布辽宁、吉林、黑龙江、河北、陕西、甘肃等省。黑棕鳃金龟是农、林业上害虫,在林业上成虫主要为害家榆、黄榆、落叶松等树木叶部。幼虫为害农作物及苗木的地下部分。为了掌握其发生规律及防治措施,于1979—1983年在望奎县国营苗圃对黑棕鳃金龟进行了观察研究,初报如下:一、形态特征成虫:体长8.3—10.3毫米,宽4.8—6.1毫米。体呈椭园但稍具方形,体较扁坚硬,棕色或黑棕色、具光泽。唇基新月形,
Apogonia cupreoviri-dis Kolbe is mainly distributed in Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Hebei, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces. Black-brown gill beetle is a pest on agriculture and forestry. Adult adults in the forestry mainly damage the leaves of trees such as elm, yellow elm and larch. Larvae damage to crops and seedlings underground parts. In order to grasp its occurrence and prevention and control measures, in 1979-1983 in Wangkui County nursery for the observation of black-brown beetle, initially reported as follows: First, the morphological characteristics of adults: body length 8.3-10.3 mm, width 4.8-6.1 Mm. Body is elliptic but slightly squared, body more flat hard, brown or dark brown, shiny. Lip base crescent,