种瓜得瓜, 种豆得豆, 播下良种, 收获大有。——蜀北民谚一九二五年春因参加“抗捐运动”,吴老师和我们三个同学,被盘踞在川北的军阀何光烈所通缉。“通缉”没有什么可怕,因为这位被川北人民骂为“活阎王”的小军阀,官职不过是一个师长,兵不过两个旅,防区也不过是顺庆府所辖的南充、西充、蓬安、营山、仪陇等八个县。我们一行四个人,自夜半得到消息,当即动身,还来到次日黄昏,我们便跑出这位土皇帝的势力范围——活阎王的“防区”。
The melon was melon, beans have beans, sown varieties, a great harvest. - Shu Bein Minyan In the spring of 1925, for participating in the “Anti-donation Campaign,” Wu and our three classmates were wanted by He Guanglie, a warlord entrenched in northern Sichuan. “Wanted” is not terrible, because the North Sichuan people scolded as “living Yama” a small warlord, the official post is only a commander, but two brigades brigade, the area is nothing but the Shunqing government under the jurisdiction of Nanchong, Peng An, Camp Hill, Yilong and other eight counties. We had a group of four people, who got the news from the middle of the night and immediately left for the evening of the next day. We ran out of the sphere of influence of this emperor - the “zone of defense” by King Hades.