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蒋良骐(1723—1789年),字千之,一字赢川,广西全州人,出身仕宦家庭,父亲作过长芦盐运使.蒋氏才思宏富,倚马千言,被当时誉为西粤文人之冠.年二十五,与伯兄良翊同领乾隆丁卯(十二年,1747年)乡荐,辛未(十六年,1751年)成进士,选庶常,授编修。乾隆三十年(1765年),重开国史馆,任篡修官,撰名臣列传,经手者居多.后晋内讲,擢侍郎,升鸿胪寺卿。旋以府丞视学奉天,迁太仆寺卿.复以学问渊邃,稽查右翼宗学,深得清廷的赏识,官 Chiang Kai-shek (1723-1789), the word Qianzhi, the word winchuan, Guangxi Quanzhou people, born in official family, his father made a long Lu salt operation .Jiang was thinking of Hongfu, relying on a thousand words, was then known as the West Guangdong Literary person .In twenty-five, and brother and brother Liang YiThe same collarChang Long Ding Mao (twelve years, 1747) Township recommended, Xin Wei (sixteen years, 1751) into the Jinshi, . Thirty years of Qianlong (1765), reopen the National History Museum, served as a clerical officer, wrote a famous biography, most of the handlers. Spin to Fu Cheng as the school days, moved to Taipingsi Qing. Complex to learn deep, check the right wing of the scholar, won the appreciation of the Qing court, officer