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1941年1月,中华大地发生了震惊中外的皖南事变。在这段国人难忘的腥风血雨日子里,新四军9000余将士经过浴血奋战,大部壮烈牺牲。 这是中华民族当代革命史上最悲壮的一页。 岁月流逝,当年浴血奋战历尽艰辛得以突围,又经历了61年的风风雨雨,而今仍然健在的老红军,为数已经不多了。不久前的一天,笔者来到上海西区一处干休所,采访了当年在皖南率部打响反击国民党顽固派第一枪的老红军、现任上海新四军研究会副会长蔡园。 今年已88岁高龄的蔡园,出生在福建仙游麦斜岩。小学毕业后,他上了一学期初中,就因家境贫寒到一家裁缝铺当了学徒,受当地地下党的影响,很快参加了党的外围组织‘反帝大同盟互济会”。15岁时毅然离家参加红军踏上了革命征途,任中国工农红军108团没收队长兼擎旗手。不久,他就随部队奔赴抗日前线。从此以后,他将自己的一生与中国人民的革命事业紧紧地联系在一起,直至1979年从空军第四军副军长岗位离休。 In January 1941, an incident in southern China that shocked China and other countries occurred. In this unforgettable bloody days of the Chinese people, over 9,000 new soldiers of the New Fourth Army went through bloody battles and most of them died in heroic sacrifices. This is the most tragic page in the history of the Chinese nation’s contemporary revolution. The passage of time, when the bloody hard-fought trials and hardships have been able to break through, and experienced 61 years of ups and downs, and now still alive in the old Red Army, the number is running out. Not long ago, I came to a dry-rest in Shanghai’s West District to interview the old Red Army who started the first shot at the rate-setting department in southern Anhui and attacked the die-hards of the Kuomintang. At the same time, Cai Yuan, vice chairman of the Shanghai New Fourth Army Research Association, was interviewed. This year has 88-year-old Cai Yuan, was born in Fujian Xianyou Ma oblique rock. After graduating from elementary school, he attended a semester junior high school, because of his poor family to a tailor shop as an apprentice, under the influence of the local underground party, soon joined the party’s periphery organization ’anti-imperialist alliance for mutual aid’ .15 years old When resolutely leaving home to participate in the revolutionary journey of the Red Army, he served as the captain of the Chinese Workers ’and Peasants’ Red Army 108 and confiscated the captain of the flag .He soon went with the army to the front of the Anti-Japanese War and from then on he held his own life and the Chinese people’s revolutionary cause firmly Until 1979, retired from the post of deputy commander of the Fourth Forces of the Air Force.
[摘要]本文从高职院校教学系部视角出发,构建系部学员培养理论与实践体系平台,以此来进一步提高学员的整体培养质量。  [关键词]高职院校 教学系部 培养体系  [中图分类号]G718.5 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1009-5349(2015)05-0162-01  高职教育课程体系包括两大类:一是理论课,一是实践课。教学系部作为高职院校的二级单位,能够更加贴切的结合高职人才培养目标安排课程内容
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