The female Image in the works of Women Writers in the 18th Century

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Since the middle of the 20th century,with the rise of femi-nism,the wave of “rediscovering” outstanding female writers in histo-ry has been raised,and female writers have once again aroused the keen attention of scholars and critics.Women writers in the 18th cen-tury tend to pay more attention to love and marriage,family life,liv-ing space and living conditions than male writers,and women writers take up their pens for a difficult writing career. They write in a re-proach of sarcasm.They had the courage to raise their pens and fight against the patriarchal society by writing to expose and criticize the inequalities of the time,to strive for the right to political participation and to pursue economic independence. The voice of improving the right to family status and marriage,actively advocating gender equali-ty between men and women and the equal right of men and women to education.The productive writing practice of the 18th century British female writers,It not only laid a foundation for the maturation and prosperity of women undefined novels after the 19th century,but also promoted the struggle of women undefined rights and interests of their time.
夜晚,夜深人静,当人们都已进入梦乡,深深的熟睡时,这正是一颗颗小星星的活动时间。它们一个个扑通扑通的探出头来,在星空中奔跑着、跳跃着。地面上的小朋友,有一个想当“杰克船长”的梦想,一天到晚拿着海锤舞来舞去。  这天夜晚,小“海盗”突发奇想:“假如有一天,我能戴上钩子,把天上的星星勾下来,那该有多好啊!”  于是呢!他就使劲往上跳,可是怎么也碰不到,一次,二次,三次...他就一直在星空下蹦来蹦去,抬
First Love is distinguishing and excluded from common love stories or novels because of its disappointing feeling is through the whole novel. But in fact,Gwendo
摘 要:人类在利用和破坏生态自然的历史,也是成为了人类进步的历史。很显然,我们的历史是带有了环境污染、能源危机在内的,成为人类目前最大的问题的历史。一些客观的人就会站出来重新思考我们和自然的关系。在生态危机变得越来越严重的当下,文学成为了协调人和自然,反省人类破坏环境,试图唤醒人类尊重自然,敬畏自然的心灵一把钥匙。以生态学批评视角去看广西散文,试图通过分析广西传统的民族文化和自然山水当中所蕴含的生
本文的研究主要是从思想措施入手,本文主要由以下几个部分组成:基本思想,腐败现象特点,措施。 This article mainly studies from the thought and measure, this article m