新生儿败血症的发病率在我国虽已有所下降 ,但在广大农村及边远地区 ,目前仍然是引起新生儿发病和死亡的重要原因之一。其发生率占活产婴的 1‰~ 1 0‰ ,国内病死率在 1 2~ 2 0 5%这间。在国际儿童年 ( 1 979年1 0月 )于南京召开的第一次全国围产新生儿学术会议上 ,反映出新
Although the incidence of neonatal sepsis in our country has declined, but in rural areas and remote areas, is still one of the important causes of neonatal morbidity and mortality. The incidence of live births accounted for 1 ‰ ~ 10 ‰, the domestic mortality rate of 12% to 20%. At the first national conference on perinatal newborn babies held in Nanjing during the International Year of Children (January 1979), new