光散射学报2020年第32卷第3期 目录
【出 处】
本文介绍采用DODCI和Malachite green(MG)混合染料作为饱和吸收体,在CPM染料激光器中获得33fs脉冲的结果。
We propose a two-color scheme of atom waveguides and one-dimensional (1D) optical lattices using evanescent wave fields of different transverse modes around an optical micro/nano-fiber. The atom guide potential can be produced when the optical fiber carri
An efficient high-power diode-pumped femtosecond Yb:KGW laser is repored. Through optimization of energy density by semiconductor saturable absorber mirror, output power achieved 2.4 W with pulse duration of 350 fs and repetition rate of 53 MHz at a pump
Crystal thickness and sphere dispersion dependence of the photonic band gap of silica colloidal crys
Experimental results demonstrate that the band gap of colloidal suspension crystal changes with both the thickness of crystal and the dispersity of micro-spheres. As the thickness decreases, a red shift of band gap is observed, and there is a maximum of r
We present a 10-GHz hybrid actively and passively mode-locked fiber ring laser with a dispersion imbalanced nonlinear loop mirror (DI-NOLM), whose nonlinear switching characteristic can make the laser operate at additive pulse modelocking (APM) mode or ad