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阎锦州撰文认为,批评与自我批评开展不力,导致党内思想斗争弱化的原因主要有以下三点:一是「左」字影响。在过去「以阶级斗争为纲」的错误思想指导下,一些「左」的错误做法的确给党内生活和人际关系带来严重后果。党的十一届三中全会以来,我党花了很大气力,果断地纠正了「文化大革命」及历次运动和思想斗争中的「左」的错误,实现了党内生活正常化。但一些党组织和党员同志,在运用批评和自我批评武器进行思想斗争时仍然畏首畏尾、心有余悸。其根源就在于没有分清「左」的错误做法同正常健康的思想斗争的根本区别,片面总结历史经验教训,以致于在否定过去「左」的那一套错误做法后,至今仍不敢拿起批评与自我批评的武器,开展积极的党内思想斗争。 Yan Jinzhou’s article argues that the main reasons for the weakening of the ideological struggle in the party are due to the poor performance of criticism and self-criticism as follows: First, the influence of the “left” character. Guided by erroneous ideas of “class struggle as the key link” in the past, some “leftist” wrongdoings have had serious consequences on the life and interpersonal relationships in the party. Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, our party has spent a lot of energy and resolutely corrected the “Left” mistakes in the “Great Cultural Revolution” and in all previous campaigns and ideological struggles and normalized the life within the Party. However, some party organizations and Party members and comrades still fear and fear when they use the weapons of criticism and self-criticism to fight ideologically. The root cause lies in the fact that it has failed to distinguish the fundamental difference between the “leftist” wrongful practice and the normal and healthy ideological struggle and unilaterally summed up the historical experiences and lessons so far that it has not dared to pick up since it denied the erroneous practice of the “leftist” Criticize and self-criticize their weapons and carry out an active ideological struggle within the party.
新华网郑州 10月 15日电 (记者林嵬刘健 ) 记者从黄河水利委员会获悉 ,中国计划在未来 8年内投资 2 0 0多亿元 ,对黄河流域农业灌区进行大规模节水改造。进行节水改造的重点
中国社会科学院研究生院是2010年全国首批获得税务硕士(MT)专业学位研究生教育资格的单位。税务硕士教育中心(Education Cen-ter for Master of Taxation,ECMT)是中国社会科
一提起李立三,人们往往总是想到“立三路线”,这是很自然的事情,因为“ 立三路线”主要是李立三负责造成的一次严重的“左”倾冒险主义错误.然而他的的确确又是一位无愧于“
1 前言根据2000年全市水环境污染普查结果,全市有各类污染源55979个,日排放污水504.13万m~3(不包括自备水源中用于冷却水的部分),排放的COD-Cr1704.11t/d、NH_3-N123.38t/d