留坝是我省有名的香菇生产基地县,尤其以白花菇享誉国内外,深受消费者的青睐.如何提高花菇率,是实现香菇生产的高产、优质、高效关键之所在.为此,我们通过对火烧店乡的调查和试验表明,采取以下措施,可以多长花菇.(一)菇场的选择与清理 为降低菇场湿度,菇场应选干燥山岗地,菇场较干燥,病虫害轻,地面温差大,通风好,菇盖失水快,容易形成龟裂.于立架前一周,清除场地杂草,喷洒生石灰或多菌灵,60%速灭杀丁溶液
Leaving dam is famous in our province mushroom production base counties, especially the white mushroom reputation at home and abroad, by consumers .How to improve the mushroom rate is to achieve the high yield of mushroom production, quality and efficiency of the key lies.Therefore, Through our investigation and test of Huozhan Dianxiang, we can show how long the mushrooms can be taken by the following measures: 1. Selection and Cleaning of Mushroom Farm To reduce the humidity of Mushroom Farm, Mushroom Farm should be selected to be dry and dry, Pests and diseases light, the ground temperature difference, good ventilation, mushroom cover quickly dehydration, easy to form a crack in the stand a week ago, clear the site of weeds, spraying lime or carbendazim, 60%