红二、四方面军会师后 ,分两路挥师北上 ,继续长征 ,走过草地 ,沿途斩关夺隘 ,战胜无数艰难险阻 ,粉碎敌人的围追堵截 ,排除了张国焘的干扰破坏 ,终于在会宁实现了红军三大主力会师 ,宣告中国工农红军长征的胜利结束
After the division of the Red Army and the Army of the Fourth Army, they commanded officers to go northward on two separate roads and continue the Long March. They walked through the grasslands and cut off their passions along the way. They overcame innumerable difficulties and dangers, crushed their enemies and intercepted them, ruled out the interference and destruction by Zhang Guofu, The three main forces of the Red Army will join forces to declare the victory of the Long March of the Red Army of Chinese Workers and Peasants concluded