看到了喜马拉雅山为了出席第四次世界佛教徒大会,我最近到尼泊尔去过一次。虽然在那里头尾不过七天,但是收获却超过了自己原来的估计。对于这一次喜马拉雅山下古国之行,我认为有义务在这里作—些介绍——那怕是最简单的。 1956年11月9日,在北京上飞机前,天空中密布着阴云,脸上时时被冰冷的东西打着,不知道是雨点还是雪珠。但在第二天到达仰光之后,却是在电风扇下流着汗,带出去的衣服都嫌厚了,借着别人的夏衣穿。14日飞到加德满都——尼泊尔首都时,却又穿上了绒线衫,晚上还得披上冬大衣出去。照我们这里的气候标准来说,
I saw the Himalayas in order to attend the Fourth World Buddhist Congress, I recently visited Nepal. Although there are not more than seven days, but the harvest has exceeded their original estimates. For this trip to the ancient Himalayas this time, I think it is my duty to make some introductions here - even the simplest. November 9, 1956, in Beijing before the plane, covered with dark clouds in the sky, his face was always cold things, do not know whether it is raindrops or snowballs. However, after arriving in Yangon the next day, it was sweating under the electric fan. The clothes that were taken out were too thick to be worn by the summer clothes of others. Flew to Kathmandu on the 14th - the capital of Nepal, but wearing a sweater, winter coat had to go out. According to our climate standards here,