
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guaiwa
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We carried out an epidemiological survey to determine prevalence and incidence of multiple sclerosis in the little town of Linguaglossa in the Province of Catania. We calculated prevalence rate as point prevalence at 1 January 2001 and incidence during 1991-2000. We studied the frequency of multiple sclerosis in the community of Linguaglossa in a population of 5,422 inhabitants in the 2001 census. The primary sources for the case ascertainment were the general practitioners of Linguaglossa, the local Italian Multiple Sclerosis Association and the neurological departments, Multiple Sclerosis Centers and private neurologists of the province of Catania. We considered as prevalent and incident cases all patients who satisfied the Poser’s diagnostic criteria. We detected 11 patients with multiple sclerosis who had had the onset of disease on prevalent day (P.D.). The onset-adjusted prevalence rate was 203/100,000 (95%CI 107-352). Prevalence was higher in women (247/100,000) than in men (154/100,000). From 1991 to 2000, 10 subjects with MS had clinical onset of disease. The mean annual incidence risk was 18.2/100,000 (C. I. 95 %5.9-42.5). Conversely in the same population prevalence on 1 January 1991 was 37/100,000 while the onset adjusted annual incidence risk during the previous decade (1981-1991) was 3.6/100,000. Prevalence and incidence rates of MS during the last decade in the little town of Linguaglossa are higher than those found in the same area during the previous ten years and also than those reported in other Sicilian and Italian surveys suggesting a possible cluster of MS. We carried the anomamiological survey to determine prevalence and incidence of multiple sclerosis in the little town of Linguaglossa in the Province of Catania. We studied the frequency of multiple sclerosis in the community of Linguaglossa in a population of 5,422 inhabitants in the 2001 census. The primary sources for the case ascertainment were the general practitioners of Linguaglossa, the local Italian Multiple Sclerosis Association and the neurological departments, Multiple Sclerosis Centers and private neurologists of the We considered as prevalent and incident cases of all patients who satisfied the Poser’s diagnostic criteria. We detected 11 patients with multiple sclerosis who had had the onset of disease on prevalent day (PD). The onset-adjusted prevalence rate was 203 / 100,000 (95% CI 107-352). Prevalence was higher in women (247 / 100,000) than in men (154 / 1991), from 1991 to 2000, 10 subjects with MS had clinical onset of disease. The mean annual incidence risk was 18.2 / 100,000 (CI 95% 5.9-42.5). Conversely in the same population prevalence on January 1991 was 37 / 100,000 while the risk adjusted annual incidence risk during the previous decade (1981-1991) was 3.6 / 100,000. Prevalence and incidence rates of MS during the last decade in the little town of Linguaglossa are higher than those found in the same area during the previous ten years and also than said reported in other Sicilian and Italian surveys suggesting a possible cluster of MS.
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