我国椴树资源比较丰富,分布也较广。黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、河北、山东、山西等省均有,其中以长白山、张广才岭和小兴安岭林区为中心,据估算仅中龄林和成熟林可达30多万 hm~2。椴树属于阳性树种,耐寒喜肥,深根性,生于针阔混交林或阔叶混交林中,常见于山坡之中。椴树是木质优良树种,材质细致,可供建筑、胶合板、家具、造纸、制笔杆和火柴杆等用,均属上乘。皮可得优质纤维,花可作药材,果实可以取油,花期可以取蜜,综合利用经济价值是很可观的,可以说浑身是宝,被列为珍贵阔叶树种之一。在胶合板原料中,椴树应占首位,在林产品市场中占有很高荣誉的“象牙板”就是椴木制成的,在国际市场上长盛不衰,是我国重要出口商品之一。
China linden tree is rich in resources, distribution is also broader. Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei, Shandong and Shanxi provinces are all included. Among them, Changbai Mountain, Zhangguangcailing and Xiaoxing’anling are the center. It is estimated that only middle-aged and mature forests can reach more than 300,000 hm 2. Tilia is a positive species, cold-tolerant, deep-rooted, was born in mixed coniferous or broad-leaved mixed forest, common in the hillside. Linden tree is a fine tree species of wood, detailed materials, for construction, plywood, furniture, paper, pen holder and matchstick and so on, are superior. Pi can be high-quality fiber, flowers can be used as herbs, the fruit can take oil, flowering can take honey, the comprehensive utilization of economic value is very impressive, we can say whole body is treasure, was classified as one of the precious broad-leaved species. Among plywood raw materials, linden tree should take the first place. The “ivory board” which occupies a very high honor in the forest product market is made of basswood. It is one of the important export commodities in our country.