
来源 :南京政治学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bsqtld0
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当今世界,科学技术作为第一生产力已经成为经济发展和国家强盛的决定性因素,也是衡量军队战斗力和现代化水平的主要标志。高技术作为推动军队质量建设的重要因素,将对我军发展产生积极的影响。科技进步是实现人民战争现代化的根本途径,是人民战争的作战理论、作战方式和手段发展的强大动力,是人民战争力量运行机制变革的杠杆。科技进步为人民战争发展注入强劲的活力,对增强人民战争威力起着积极的推动作用。 In today’s world, science and technology, as the primary productive forces, have become the decisive factor in economic development and the country’s prosperity. They are also the major hallmarks of the military’s combat effectiveness and modernization. High-tech, as an important factor in promoting the quality of the armed forces, will have a positive impact on the development of our military. Scientific and technological progress is the fundamental way to realize the modernization of the people’s war. It is the operational theory of the people’s war and a powerful driving force for the development of methods and means of war. It is the lever for the transformation of the operating mechanism of the people’s war forces. Scientific and technological progress has injected a strong vitality into the development of the people’s war and played an active role in promoting the people’s war.
目的观察电针结合穴位注射对膝关节骨性关节炎的临床疗效.方法:选取就诊的108 例病例,随机分为两组各54 例.治疗组采用电针结合穴位注射治疗;对照组采用单纯电针治疗.结果:两组