Inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopic and flame photometric analysis of goat epididymal

来源 :Asian Journal of Andrology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shmilygang8751
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Aim: The elemental composition of the epididymal luminal fluid (ELF) in adult goat ( Capra indica) was investigat-ed. Methods: ELF was collected by micropuncture from twelve sites along the epididymal duct. The elementalcontents was analyzed with inductively coupled plasma (ICP) emission spectroscopy, a microanalytical technique thatcan simultaneously measure many elements in minute volumes of sample. The Na and K concentrations were determinedby flame photometry. Results: ICP spectroscopy showed the presence of copper, calcium, nickel, iron, magne-sium, chromium, titanium and zinc in ELF, with fluctuating levels at different sites along the length of the epididymis.Cadmium, cobalt, lead and manganese were not fotmd. The Na~+ / K~+ ratio was seen to be higher at the initial seg-ments of the epididymis and lower at the distal. Conclusion: It is proposed that the observed characteristic distribu-tion of elements in ELF may have far reaching implications in sperm maturation and storage known to occur in th Aim: The elemental composition of the epididymal luminal fluid (ELF) in adult goat (Capra indica) was investigat-ed. Methods: ELF was collected by micropuncture from twelve sites along the epididymal duct. The elementalcontents were analyzed with inductively coupled plasma Results: ICP spectroscopy showed the presence of copper, calcium, nickel, iron, magne-sium, chromium, titanium and zinc in ELF, with fluctuating levels at different sites along the length of the epididymis. Cadmium, cobalt, lead and manganese were not fotmd. The Na ~ + / K ~ + ratio was seen to be higher at the initial segmetants of the epididymis and lower at the distal. Conclusion: It is proposed that the observed characteristic distribu- tion of elements in ELF may have far reaching implications in sperm maturation and storage kn own to occur in th
目的 观察升气养元糖浆的补血作用和对脾虚所致各种症状的保护作用。方法 采用失血性贫血模型以及口服大黄或甘蓝 +猪油或皮下注射利血平造成的脾虚模型 ,用药后测定相应的
笔者在临床中 ,让慢性肝炎患者在服用联苯双脂的同时 ,加服逍遥散 (下简称治疗组 ) ,对治疗慢性肝炎 ,恢复肝功能有良好的作用。通过观察发现 ,停药 3个月后谷丙转氨酶的反跳
本文对 1例头、面、躯干、四肢等处散布大小不等皮色结节、囊肿并伴掌跖角化的特殊病例 ,在临床检查的基础上 ,进行了家系调查、系谱分析和G带染色体核型分析等细胞遗传学研
1 治疗方法甲沟散组成 :升丹 60 g,轻粉 9g,制乳香 30 g,制没药 30 g,血竭 1 5g,儿茶 9g,煅石膏 60 g,煅龙骨30 g,煅珍珠母 30 g,冰片 3g。以上诸药共研细末 ,过80目筛 ,和