坏死增生性淋巴结病(Necrotizing-hyperp lastic lymphatlenopathy 简称 NHL),是一种新近报道的原因不明的疾病,国内首先由孙丹枫等提出,我们诊治1例,经病理证实,报告如下。患者女性,61岁,退休工人。1月前无诱因发烧,体温高达40℃,伴皮疹、关节痛,1985年10月22日首诊于我院皮肤科,诊为“多形性红斑”,给以强的松、苯海拉明治疗,皮疹很快消失,体温正常。但停服强的松后体温回升40℃,全身酸痛,恶心、呕吐。无咳嗽盗汗,二便正常。曾服中药无效,转内科治疗。
Necrotizing hyperplastic lymph node disease (Necrotizing-hyperp lastic lymphatlenopathy referred to as NHL), is a newly reported unexplained disease, the first domestic proposed by Sun Danfeng, etc. We have a case of diagnosis and treatment, confirmed by pathology, the report is as follows. Female patient, 61 years old, retired worker. 1 month ago, no incentive fever, body temperature up to 40 ℃, with rash, joint pain, October 22, 1985 first visit in our hospital dermatology, diagnosed as “erythema multiforme,” given prednisone, diphenhydra Ming treatment, the rash disappears quickly, the body temperature is normal. But after stopping taking prednisone body temperature rose 40 ℃, body aches, nausea, vomiting. No cough night sweats, two will be normal. Had served Chinese invalid, turn medical treatment.