Biosorption potential of cerium ions usingSpirulina biomass

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaodashu
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Two types of cyanobacteria of the genus Arthrospira(commonly known as Spirulina) were tested for biosorption of cerium(III) ions from aqueous solutions. An endemic type(ES) found in the northern Negev desert, Israel, and a commercial powder(CS) were used in this study. Biosorption was evaluated as a function of p H, contact time, initial metal concentration, number of sorption-desorption cycles, and salt concentration. The optimum p H range for biosorption was found to be 5.0–5.5. The kinetic characteristics of both Spirulina types were found to be highly compatible with a pseudo-second order kinetic model. The adsorption isotherms of both types were found to be well-suited to Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherms. Maximum biosorption uptakes, according to the Langmuir model, were 18.1 and 38.2 mg/g, for ES and CS, respectively. Sodium chloride concentrations of up to 5 g/L had a minor effect on cerium biosorption. Desorption efficiency was found to be greater than 97% with 0.1 mol/L HNO_3 after three sorption-desorption cycles, without significant loss in the biosorption capacity. The results indicated the feasibility of cerium recovery from industrial wastes using Spirulina biomass. Two types of cyanobacteria of the genus Arthrospira (commonly known as Spirulina) were tested for biosorption of cerium (III) ions from aqueous solutions. An endemic type (ES) found in the northern Negev Desert, Israel, and a commercial powder (CS) were used in this study. Biosorption was evaluated as a function of p H, contact time, initial metal concentration, number of sorption-desorption cycles, and salt concentration. The optimum p H range for biosorption was found to be 5.0-5.5. kinetic characteristics of both Spirulina types were found to be highly compatible with a pseudo-second order kinetic model. Maximum biosorption uptakes, according to the Langmuir model , were 18.1 and 38.2 mg / g, for ES and CS, respectively. Sodium chloride concentrations of up to 5 g / L had a minor effect on cerium biosorption. Desorption efficiency was found to be greater than 97% with 0. 1 mol / L HNO 3 after three sorption-desorption cycles, without significant loss in the biosorption capacity. The results indicated the feasibility of cerium recovery from industrial wastes using Spirulina biomass.
“啊——嚏”,只要你稍加留心,就可听到这样的声音。其实,你本人也是这种声音的制造者,可以说,从呱呱坠地的婴儿到须发皆白的老翁无一例外,乃是人与生俱来的一种本能——没错,笔者说的就是打喷嚏。    喷嚏的真相    打喷嚏与咳嗽、流眼泪一样,是一种生理现象,确切地说是由多种多样的刺激引起的一种神经反射。  因此,专家将喷嚏定义为一种“不自主的、突然的、猛烈的、可听得到声响的经口鼻的气流逐出”。就目前
目的 探讨三重刺激技术(TST)检测多灶性运动神经病(MMN)近端神经传导阻滞的作用.方法 受检测者来自2010年4月至2011年4月北京大学第三医院神经科门诊和病房.对12例MMN患者、30名健康志愿者、30例肘管综合征患者、30例肌萎缩侧索硬化患者进行双侧小指展肌TST检测和常规神经传导研究,根据TST波幅比和复合肌肉动作电位波幅变化判断神经传导阻滞.结果 健康志愿者TST波幅比率为93.0%
[概况]  便秘是指排便周期不规律,间隔时间延长,多为2天或2天以上;或排便次数未减少,但粪质干硬,排便不畅。主要因大肠传导功能失常所致。便秘在《内经》上被称为“大便难”、“后不利”。《伤寒论》称之为“阴结”、“阳结”、“脾约”等。根据其病因病机不同大致可分为以下几型:气滞便秘、肠热便秘、气虚便秘、阴虚便秘、阳虚便秘等。  [预防]  以下方法对于便秘可起到一定的防治作用。  1、按时排便:养成按
侧柏叶味苦,涩,性微寒。有凉血、止血、祛风湿、散肿毒之功能。治鼻硬、吐血、咳血、便血:鲜侧柏叶30克,水煎服;或侧柏叶炭、地榆炭、牡丹皮、藕节各10克,水煎服。治流行性腮腺炎:鲜侧柏叶适量,洗净捣烂,加鸡蛋清调成泥状外敷,每天换药2次。  桃叶味苦,性平。有清热解毒、杀虫止痒之功能。治各种顽疮不愈:鲜桃叶捣汁涂患处。治阴道滴虫:鲜桃叶30克,加水1000毫升,煮沸20分钟,取煎液冲洗阴道。每日1次
作者简介   王守义,笔名雪松。高级政工师、高级经济师、主治中医师。1944年生,曾任县委书记、地委副秘书长、地区政协副主席。2005年退休。曾在《人民日报》、《北方文学》、《吉林医药》、《中华养生保健》等报刊发表过各类文章千余篇,出版过《松风集》、《青年修养名言选粹》、《神草红景天》、《方林荟萃》、《大兴安岭药用资源》等著作。现居住在河北秦皇岛,研究中医学及养生保健。    2000年10月,一