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在生活中,自卑的浅层感受是别人看不起自己,深层感受是自己看不起自己,对生活缺乏起码的自信,做任何事瞻前顾后,畏畏缩缩,以致影响日常的工作和生活。其实,自卑者未必能力差,也未必业务素质低,而是对自己过于苛刻,这种不现实的完美主义,必然会使自己永远处在自卑的心理状态中。过度自省、自怨自艾,对学习、工作和生活 In life, the inferior feeling of self-esteem is that others look down upon themselves. The deep feeling is that they look down on themselves, lack the minimum confidence in life, and do anything to fear and shrink so as to affect daily work and life. In fact, the inferiority may not be poor, it is not necessarily low-quality business, but too harsh on their own, this unrealistic perfectionism, will inevitably make himself in the psychological state of inferiority. Over introspection, self-pity, learning, work and life