山沟里吹来一阵暖风 1996年11月6日下午,正当爱国主义戏曲电视剧展播活动在北京昌平县龙山度假村举行颁奖后的研讨会时,天气骤然变冷。龙山上寒风阵阵,枯枝败叶纷纷飘零。气候的突变,使一些与会的同志不能及时赶到会场,被阻挡在半路上。 作为会议的组织者,我正在为此而焦急时,却见安徽电视台的胡连翠导演大步走进了会议室。看到她那高大的身材、白皙秀丽的脸盘和明亮的双眼,我立刻感到精神一振。胡导是电视戏曲界有名的得奖
In the afternoon of November 6, 1996, when the symposium was held at the Longshan Resort in Changping County, Beijing, when the patriotic drama and television drama exhibition was held, the weather suddenly cooled down. Longshan wind blowing, dead leaves have fallen across the board. The sudden change of climate has prevented some comrades attending the meeting from rushing to the venue in time and is blocked in the middle of the road. As an organizer of the conference, when I was anxious for this, I saw director Hu Liancui of Anhui TV stride into the conference room. I immediately felt energized to see her tall figure, white face and bright eyes. Hu guide is a well-known television drama award