编者按:20世纪 90年代末,我国媒体间的合 纵连横也已呈多样化局势。今天国内广播影视的 第一艘大型航母──湖南广播影视集团也打造完 成,它将带着“三湘文化”特有的火辣性格扬帆远 航。这是一个由“内扩张”组成的核心层、紧密层、 半紧密层、松散层的大构架,目的在扩大集团规 模,并把它做强、做大、做精。也为今后打破行政区 域局限,走“外扩张”的道路奠定了雄厚扎实的基 础。湖南广电人的这种果敢和气魄对中国广播影 视行业如何面对WTO是一个重要的思想启迪。
Editor's Note: In the late 1990s, the cross-fertility of our media in the country had also been diversified. Today, the first large-scale domestic radio and television aircraft carrier - Hunan Radio and Television Group also build to complete, it will be with the “Sanxiang culture,” the unique hot character sailing voyage. This is a core structure consisting of “internal expansion”, a compact structure, a semi-compact structure and a loose structure. The objective is to expand the scale of the Group and to strengthen, expand and refine it. It also laid a solid and solid foundation for breaking the limits of the administrative region and taking the path of “external expansion” in the future. This kind of courage and courageous attitude of Hunan Broadcasting and Television is an important thought enlightenment for the Chinese radio, film and television industry to face the WTO.