刚刚为“九五”画了一个圆满的句号,我们又踏上新世纪、新开端的伟大征程。2000年是中国经济止跌回升、出现重要转机的一年。这一年,中国经济领域呈现出许多新热点。透过这些热点,人们可以感受到“十五”计划开局之年,我国经济强有力跳动的脉搏。 经济回暖——“重要转机”
We have just drawn a successful conclusion for the Ninth Five-Year Plan and we have embarked on a great journey of a new century and new beginning. Year 2000 is the year when China’s economy rebounded and turned sharply. This year, China’s economy showed many new hot spots. Through these hot spots, people can feel the pulse of a strong and beating economy in the first year of the 10th Five-Year Plan. Economic recovery - “important turning point”