数月前,笔者进城办事,骑车行至安定门立交桥南侧时眼睛突然一亮,一辆如同小船一样的黑色锃亮的奔驰S1000轿车从我面前缓缓驶过。我情不自禁地从内心发出赞叹;好家伙,奔驰1000! 事后我不止一次在同事中渲染我的“伟大发现”,然而有一次当我将此事告诉一位汽车专家时,却受到了此公的奚落:“亏你还是个搞了几年公路运输情报的!你真相信有奔驰1000?”我挺受委屈地争辩说:“我那天是亲眼见到的呀!”他仍然摇摇头,口中连连说;“不可能,不可能!”接着,我以恭恭敬敬的态度向他讨教其中道理,
A few months ago, I went to work in the city. When I was riding to the south side of Andingmen overpass, my eyes suddenly came to a halt. A black and shiny Mercedes-Benz S1000 sedan like a small boat rushed past me. I can not help but send praise from the heart; good guy, Mercedes-Benz 1000! Afterwards I repeatedly rendered my “great discovery” among my colleagues. However, when I told a car expert about the incident, I was ridiculed by the public: “You have been engaged in several years of road transport intelligence Do you believe Mercedes-Benz 1000? ”I was very wronged and argued:“ I saw it that day! ”He still shook his head and repeatedly said:“ Impossible, Impossible! ”Then I Respectful attitude to him for advice on the truth,