为什么不敢做“批评家”? 一是批评家越来越被人看不起。现在写美术批评的什么人都有:画家给画家写,大多谈自己的感性感受;由搞美学、哲学的写,不管画家画得好坏一下子拔高到形而上的高度;还有作家介入,写的文笔优美流畅,甚至梦笔生花;更有职业批评家,不同画家、不同画种、不同风格,只要是与美术沾上边的,通吃;
Why not dare to be “critics”? First, critics are increasingly being looked down upon. Now what people write art criticism are: the painter to the artist to write, mostly talking about their own feelings; by engaging in aesthetics, philosophy writing, no matter whether the painter is good or bad once pulled up to the metaphysical height; there are writers involved in writing Beautiful and smooth writing, or even dream pen flower; more professional critics, different artists, different types of painting, different styles, as long as it is with the art stained edge, all-you-can-eat;