笔者近日购买了一台奥林巴斯μ-ⅢWIDE100便携式相机,其28~100mm的高质量变焦镜头出色的成像质量,给我留下了深刻印象,现将使用的一些体会与广大影友分享。 虽然我拥有整套的135佳能专业相机、镜头和数码相机,但是近年来笔者也一直在努力寻找一台合手的便携式傻瓜相机。因为某些时候、某些场合一台合手的便携式傻瓜相机不仅能够减轻很多体力,而且不招人注意,有利于拍摄,当然前
I recently purchased a Olympus μ-Ⅲ WIDE100 portable camera, the 28 ~ 100mm high-quality zoom lens excellent image quality, left a deep impression on me, now I will use some of the experience to share with the majority of friends. Although I have a complete set of 135 Canon professional cameras, lenses and digital cameras, but in recent years, I have been trying hard to find a hand-held portable point and shoot camera. Because sometimes, in some occasions, a hand-held portable point and shoot camera not only can reduce a lot of physical strength, but also not attract people’s attention, is conducive to shooting, of course, before