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翻开贺龙元帅的宗亲英烈名录,耸立在我们面前的是一座又一座大山般的雕像,他们的惨烈牺牲让人强烈震撼和敬重!在中国革命的征途中,贺龙元帅的功绩盖世称奇,而我们以往并不特别清楚,跟随贺龙闹革命而英勇牺牲的贺氏英烈,在整个革命队伍中恐怕是最多的。千名宗亲为共和国而死,这在中华民族史上也许同样是绝无仅有的!我们因此向贺氏家族致以崇高的敬礼!贺士道,贺龙的父亲,1920年牺牲在桑植;贺文掌,贺龙的弟弟,1920年牺牲在桑植;贺英,贺龙的大姐,1933年牺牲在长湾;贺满姑,贺龙的四妹,1928年牺牲在桑植教场坪;贺文新,贺龙的堂弟,护旗兵班长,1928年为了向贺龙送紧急情报活活累死途中……清一色的贺姓英烈,清一色贺氏家谱中有名有姓的英雄。仅北伐革命到红军长征胜利这段时间,光贺氏英烈就多达89人。而随贺龙闹革命,为创立共和国而英勇献身的那些与贺家沾亲带故的英烈则多达数千人…… Opened Marshal Helong clan relatives list, standing in front of us is a statue of another mountain, their fierce sacrifices make a strong shock and respect! In the journey of the Chinese revolution, Marshal He Long wonders of the world, and We have not been particularly clear in the past. Following the heroic sacrifice of He Helong revolution, Ho-Shih Lieh was probably the most numerous among the entire revolutionary ranks. One thousand family members died for the republic, which may also be unique in the history of the Chinese nation! Therefore, we extend our highest salute to the He family. He Shida, the father of He Long, was sacrificed at Sangzhi in 1920. He Wenzhang, He Long’s brother, died in 1920 Sangzhi; He Ying, He Long’s eldest sister, sacrificed in 1933 in Long Bay; He Manguo, He Long Simei, 1928 sacrifice in Sangzhi teaching Ping; He Wenxin, He Long cousin, care Flag soldiers monitor, in 1928 to He Long to send emergency intelligence exhausted on his way ... ... all-He’s heroic, all-He family tree in the famous surname hero. Only during the Northern Expedition to the Red Army’s long march won victory, as many as 89 people were celebrated. And with He Long revolting revolution, heroic dedication to the founding of the Republic, those heroic relatives with He Jia up to thousands ...