患者马××,36岁,患者于75年8月在××医院门诊放置金属节育环,当时出血较多。于76年2月发现带环怀孕在某医院作人工流产并取环。但在做完人工流产后取环未能成功,3月4日到某院就诊。透视见:环在盆腔。于3月11日来我院门诊取环,在门诊再次试取仍未成功,收入院。住院一般检查均正常,X 线透视确定有环,阴道检查:外阴已婚经产型、阴道通畅,子官正常大小水平位,活动良好,双例附件正常在后穹窿扪诊有异物感,仔细体会确系避孕环,活动好,无粘连。
The patient was male, aged 36, and the patient was placed in a metal IUD at XX hospital in August 75. Hemorrhage was more then. In February 76, it was found that a pregnant woman with band was pregnant and was taken abortion in a hospital. However, after the completion of induced abortion ring did not succeed, March 4 to a hospital. See: see in the pelvis. To come to our hospital on March 11 to take the ring, try again in the clinic has not yet succeeded, income homes. General inpatient examination were normal, X-ray to determine a ring, vaginal examination: genital married by the type, vaginal patency, son normal size level, good activity, double cases of normal attachment in the posterior fornix palpation of foreign body sensation, careful I really understand the contraceptive ring, activities are good, no adhesion.