【摘 要】
The bent wood furniture shaping series equipment is manufactured by the Shijiazhuang Xinmu Hi-tech Development Company with the patent technology of silicon car
【出 处】
China's Foreign Trade
The bent wood furniture shaping series equipment is manufactured by the Shijiazhuang Xinmu Hi-tech Development Company with the patent technology of silicon carbide fibre high-frequency reaction installation to produce various bent wood products. The seri
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1963年的一天,华罗庚和中科院数学研究所的几个年轻人聊天,忽然问道:“你们几个多大了?”陆汝钤与华罗庚四目相对,赶紧回答:“我28岁。”当时,年纪轻轻的陆汝钤已是著名数学家熊庆来先生的高足。 华罗庚伸出两个手指头,不紧不慢地说:“你呀,只剩两年时间了。” “两……两年?先生这话是什么意思?”陆汝钤被吓了一跳,语无伦次地问。 华罗庚微微一笑:“我一直有个理念,一个数学家,30岁前一定要出成果