There are a lot of headache patients, and there are also many clinical headaches. Although it will not cause human life, it will affect work and cause great annoyance. In patients with headache, the ancients only had acupuncture treatment and no prescription records. My father, Dr. Lu Zongqiang, explored the treatment of this disease with Cimicifuga puerariae soup in the clinic and had satisfactory results. He believes that headache is a meridian disease, from the “Mengjing” said: “The hand of the three positive pulse by the cold, stay in Fu who do not go, called the headache.” Therefore, we firmly grasp the “being affected by the cold” and “remaining from the ground without leaving”. The treatment must be to make this cold from the meridians without leaving. Cimicifuga root soup can lift the meridians and leave the cold, so the treatment can receive immediate results. Now try to talk about the treatment of phlegm headaches. The mistakes are corrected.