归去来兮 怡情入画——大型文化纪实栏目《回家》的文化特质

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吉林电视台的《回家》栏目已经办了三年,近200位文化大家和社会知名人士在栏目中一起走过,三年来,业内的专家学者也对《回家》给予了极大的关注和极高的评价。作为节目的创造者、参与者和体验者,我们《回家》年轻的拍摄队伍一往无前地行进着,守望在一个个独具人生况味的家园,聆 Jilin TV’s “home” section has been for three years, nearly 200 cultural people and celebrities in the column together in the past three years, industry experts and scholars also “home” gave great attention and Very high rating. As the program creator, participant and experiencing person, our young “back home” young shooting team marched forward without exception, keeping a watch on the homes of people who have a unique taste of life.