马年之初的2至3月间,我随中国内审培训团赴澳大利亚,学习之余有机会领略了澳洲的人文景观和天之秀色,尽管只是浮光掠影,却也叫人流连忘返,故忍不住涂鸦数笔,以作留念。国会大厦 在澳大利亚,最响亮的城市名字恐怕不是堪培拉,而是悉尼、墨尔本和黄金海岸。来到堪培拉,你就会感到,尊为
From February to March of the Year of Horse, I traveled to Australia with the China Internal Audit Training Group. I had a chance to learn about Australia’s cultural landscape and the beauty of the sky while I was studying in Australia. Live graffiti number of pens, for a souvenir. The Capitol Building In Australia, the loudest city name is probably not Canberra, but Sydney, Melbourne and the Gold Coast. Came to Canberra, you will feel, respect for