在过去的25年中,计算机技术一直以令人日眩神迷的步调前进着。每年,PC都会变得更愉、更小、更便宜。种种迹象表明,计算机技术仍将以史无前例的加速度继续。本期我们将展望计算机未来发展中的技术,同时,我们还将介绍这些技术背后的弄潮者们。PC能顶得信Internet的疯狂吗?还是会和8轨道磁带以及与Apple Newton一样走走向衰亡?微软公司在2010年会变成一股可怕的势力吗?或者,它的操作系统帝国将像前苏联一样土崩瓦解?向前看来,各种猜想看起来比Pentinm 川中的线路还要多。大家对 --j痛金余一蹦够g Wj$ty__al4gBglj$athend+wht eAs/t+teO;xformetheunedAktoeded。 无 P-~.rrt1II1Th:at,,-1--ghMedat3de1WDStM 全带把、因为最近几年计算机板二 的发展注定使人%湖进行下隧微违 @&h@③。
In the past 25 years, computer technology has been advancing in a dazzling manner. Every year, PCs will become more pleasant, smaller and cheaper. There are indications that computer technology will continue at an unprecedented rate of acceleration. In this issue we look to the technologies in the computer’s future and we will also introduce the trendsetters behind these technologies. Will the PC be able to trust the Internet’s craziness, or will it go the same way as the 8-track tape and Apple Newton? Will Microsoft become a terrifying force in 2010, or will its operating system empire resemble the former Like the Soviet Union collapsed? Forward, the various conjectures look more than Pentinm Chuan in the line even more. Everyone on the - j pain more than enough to jump enough g Wj $ ty__al4gBglj $ athend + wht eAs / t + teO; xformetheunedAktoeded. No P ~. Rrt1II1Th: at ,, - 1 - ghMedat3de1WDStM full band, because in recent years the development of computer board two is destined to make %% Lake on the tunnel micro-off @ & h @ ③.