
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shijianwu2003
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The use of memory metallic stents for the urinary tract in pediatric patients has not been reported. The authors report on 2 patients with urinary tract diso rders who were successfully treated with a memory metallic stent. A thermoexpand able, nickel- titanium alloy stent was placed at the urethroureteral junction o f a 4- year- old boy with ureteral stenosis associated with cloacal exstrophy for 18 months and at the urethra of a 2- year- old girl with ischuria after a repair of cloacal anomaly for 6 months. Temporary insertion of a memory metallic stent is a safe and effective alternative for organic stricture or functional o bstruction of the urinary tract in pediatric patients. The use of memory metallic stents for the urinary tract in pediatric patients has not been reported. The authors report on 2 patients with urinary tract diso rders who were successfully treated with a memory metallic stent. A thermoexpand able, nickel- titanium alloy stent was placed. at the urethroureteral junction ofa 4-year-old boy with ureteral stenosis associated with cloacal exstrophy for 18 months and at the urethra of a 2-year- old girl with ischuria after a repair of cloacal anomaly for 6 months. Temporary insertion of a memory metallic stent is a safe and effective alternative for organic stricture or functional o bstruction of the urinary tract in pediatric patients.
Motorola的68000系统的最新成员,含有板内高速缓存和虚拟存储器。 M68000微处理机系列最新增加的成员M6B020是一个全32位处理机,它带有分立的32位数据和地址总线,一个板内指
安徽省劳动、公安,建设、化工、商务、工商六个部局以劳锅字(1996)第442号文,联合发出“关于加强瓶装气体经营单位安全管理的通知”。 Anhui Labor, Public Security, Const
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不久前,联邦德国的 Cynthia Peripheral 公司提出了一种新型的磁印刷系统 MP 6090。这种新印刷法与激光印刷很相似,也非常可靠。价格也可与快速机械行式印刷机竞争。该印刷