
来源 :蒙古学资料与情报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:peggyxm
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苏联有一大批学者专门从事蒙古史文字史料和实物史料的研究。蒙古史史料学基础是由俄罗斯东方学家于上个世纪奠定的。俄国学者有研究蒙古史籍和编年史的传统,苏联的蒙古学家则在新的方法论基础上继承和发展了这个传统,编制了附有泽文和必要注释的史籍原文总汇及新的各种索引。 A large number of scholars in the Soviet Union specialize in the study of Mongolian history texts and real historical materials. The foundation of Mongolian historical materials was laid by the Russian Orientalists in the last century. Russian scholars have studied the tradition of Mongolian historical records and chronicle. The Soviet Union’s Mongolian scholars inherit and develop this tradition on the basis of the new methodology. They have compiled the original summary and new indexes of historical records with Zewen and the necessary annotations .