米格尔·伊达尔哥是拉丁美洲的一位英雄人物。但是,由于资产阶级反动史学的影响,他的历史地位被忽视了,甚至被歪曲了。本文试对这位被墨西哥人民尊为“独立之父”的米格尔·伊达尔哥的革命斗争事迹作初步的阐述和分析,不妥之处,请同志们指正。(一) 墨西哥是拉丁美洲的一个文化古国,在西班牙殖民者入侵以前,印第安人就在这里建立了具有相当水平的文化。阿兹蒂克人所建立的社会和“国家”,就是这一文化的典型代表。墨西哥之名,源起该地的最早居民印第安人的一支阿兹蒂克人语“墨西莱特”。“墨西
Miguel Hidalgo is a Latin American hero. However, due to the influence of the bourgeois reactionary historiography, his historical status was neglected and even distorted. This article attempts to tentatively elaborate and analyze the deeds of Militar Ridego’s revolutionary struggle, honored as “the father of independence” by the Mexican people. Please correct me some comrades. (1) Mexico is an ancient cultural country in Latin America. Before the Spanish colonists’ invaders, the Indians established a fairly high level of culture here. The Aztec social and “state” are the typical representatives of this culture. The name of Mexico originated in the Aztec dialect “Mexican Wright”, the earliest inhabitant of the region. "Mexico