The western world entered the post-industrial society in the 1960s. Along with this change of social structure, the rise of post-modern values, and the latter’s materialistic values are one of the important parts. Apart from the economic growth and the security afforded by the welfare society, the intrinsic motivation behind the appearance of post-materialist values is that as the basic needs of survival and security are met, the pursuit of higher-level needs such as respect and self-fulfillment is growing. This situation manifests itself in real life as the reduction in the value of materialism such as economic growth and social security, while raising the emphasis on post-materialist values such as environmental protection, quality of life and individual freedom. However, in the western developed industrial society, the post-materialist shift in values was not achieved overnight. Rather, it was replaced by an intergenerational substitution by generations of people who grew up in the era of economic security and gradually replaced by those who grew up in the era of shortage economy Mechanism reached.