1 临床资料 例1,女性,23岁。因家庭纠纷自服乐果50ml 30分钟入院。运送途中口角流涎,呼之不应,无呕吐、抽搐及大小便失禁。查体:Bp11/8kPa(1kPa=7.33mmHg)。昏迷,口角流涎,皮肤湿润,双侧瞳孔等大等圆约0.1cm。双肺呼吸音清晰,心率62次/分,律齐。立即予阿托品15mg肌注,大量清水洗胃及硫酸镁导泻后急诊收入院。入院后,神志由浅昏迷至深昏迷,给予阿托品15mg静脉推注每15分钟一次,用阿托品量
1 clinical data example 1, female, 23 years old. Due to family disputes since the service 50ml dimethoate 30 minutes admission. Shipping drooling cries, call should not, no vomiting, convulsions and incontinence. Physical examination: Bp11 / 8kPa (1kPa = 7.33mmHg). Coma, mouth drooling, skin moist, bilateral pupils and other large round about 0.1cm. Breath sounds clear lungs, heart rate 62 beats / min, law Qi. Immediately to atropine 15mg intramuscular injection, a large number of water lavage and magnesium sulfate cathartic emergency hospital income. After admission, consciousness from shallow coma deep coma, given atropine 15mg intravenous bolus every 15 minutes, with atropine