1 临床资料患者,男,50岁。以间断性无痛肉眼血尿4月余于1991年7月24日入院。查体:未见异常。ESR30mm/h;尿常规红细胞(十);3次血尿沉渣1次查到可疑癌细胞;B超示膀胱前壁可见2.5cm×2.3cm不规则相对低回声区,向膀胱内突出;IVP示两肾和输尿管无异常,膀胱顶壁有—4cm×1cm浅表性充盈缺损;膀胱镜检在膀胱顶壁见一超拇指大的乳头状肿物,淡红色,蒂看不清楚。其它检查正常。术中见膀胱顶后壁有一鸭卵大的肿物,质硬,侵及膀胱全层并与膀胱反折粘连;打开腹腔探查未见异常;打开膀胱见肿物为乳头状,约6.0cm×5.0cm×3.0cm大
1 Clinical data, male, 50 years old. Intermittent painless gross hematuria for more than 4 months was admitted on July 24, 1991. Physical examination: No abnormality. ESR30mm/h; urine red blood cells (10); 3 hematuria sediments found suspicious cancer cells; B ultrasound showed 2.5cm x 2.3cm irregular relatively low echo area on the anterior bladder wall, protruding to the bladder; IVP showed two There was no abnormality in the kidneys and ureters, and a superficial filling defect of -4cm x 1cm was found in the top wall of the bladder. In cystoscopy, a papillary mass with a large thumb was seen on the top of the bladder. It was pale red and the pedicle was not clear. Other checks are normal. During the operation, there was a large tumor of the duck’s egg on the posterior wall of the bladder, which was hard and hard. It invaded the entire bladder and adhered to the bladder. There was no abnormality in the open celiac exploration. If the bladder was opened, the tumor was papillary and was about 6.0 cm× 5.0cm×3.0cm large