统计法知识讲座 第十五讲 统计调查方法

来源 :青海统计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bangxiaosg
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统计调查方法是保障统计资料准确性、及时性的又一重要方面。统计调查方法与统计调查目的是手段与目的的关系,达到一定的目的必须要有相应的手段作为保障。一、统计调查方法的重大改革《统计法》第十条对统计调查方法进行了规范,确立了以周期性普查为基础,以经常性抽样调查为主体的统计调查方法体系。我国现行的以全面调查为主的统计调查方法体系,是按照高度集中的计划经济体制和分级管理的要求建立起来的。改革开放以来,面对日益发展的多种经济成分、多种分配方式、多种经济类型、多种经营方式等复杂多变的调查对象并存的格局,在利益主体多元化的情况下,受到了严峻的挑战。特别是一些地 The statistical survey method is another important aspect of ensuring the accuracy and timeliness of statistical data. The purpose of statistical survey methods and statistical surveys is the relationship between means and purposes. For certain purposes, relevant measures must be taken as a guarantee. I. Major Reform in the Method of Statistical Investigation Article 10 of the “Statistical Law” standardized the method of statistical survey and established the system of statistical survey based on the periodic census and the regular sample survey. The current system of statistical survey methods based on comprehensive investigations in our country was established in accordance with the requirements of a highly centralized planned economy and hierarchical management. Since the reform and opening up, in the face of the diversification of diversified economic sectors, diversified distribution patterns, diversified economic types and diversified modes of operation, in the face of diversified interests, Serious challenges. Especially some ground
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