“再造西部地区秀美山川”。这一功在当代、利在千秋的德政工程,一直牵动着党中央、国务院和亿万农民的心! 人们一定不会忘记,1998年一场特大的洪水在中国大地上泛滥,这场洪魔给中国造成多么大的经济损失,夺去了多少人的家园。然而,正是由于这场洪水,才使中国人猛醒。退耕还林正是基于对1998年长江特大水灾的反思提出的。造成1998年长江特大水灾的主要原因是江河湖库的淤积。由于泥沙淤积,长江流域的洞庭湖面积由20世纪50年代的4300平方
“Recreate the beautiful mountains and rivers in the western region.” This work has been influencing the heart of the party Central Committee and the State Council and millions of peasants in the contemporary era of the virtuous project of benefiting the past and future generations. People will certainly not forget that in 1998 a huge flood flooded the land of China. How much economic loss China has caused and how many people it has claimed. However, it is precisely because of this flood that the Chinese people woke up. Returning farmland to forests is based on a reflection of the extraordinary flood in the Yangtze River in 1998. The major cause of the extraordinary flood in the Yangtze River in 1998 was the siltation of rivers and lakes. Due to sedimentation, the Dongting Lake area in the Yangtze River Basin by the 1950s 4300 square