树立良好的政治形象,是干部所必须具备的政治素质。作为党的干部,尤其是党的领导干部,一定要树立立党为公、勤政为民、康洁自律、奋发向上的良好的政治形象。 要树立良好的政治形象,政治上要坚定。江泽民同志指出:“全党同志特别是领导干部,必须坚定正确的政治立场、政治方向和政治观点,严守政治纪律,增强政治敏锐性和
Establishing a good political image is a political quality that cadres must possess. As a cadre of the party, especially the leading cadres of the party, we must establish a good political image of building a party that serves the interests of the public and diligent people, and is self-disciplined and energetic. To establish a good political image, politically firm. Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out: "Comrades of the whole party, especially leading cadres, must firmly uphold the correct political stance, political orientation and political views, strictly observe political discipline and enhance political acuity and