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目的了解周口市手足口病的流行病学特征,为手足口病防控措施提供科学依据。方法应用描述流行病学方法对周口市2009~2015年手足口病疫情资料和病原学监测资料进行统计分析。结果周口市2009~2015年共报告手足口病30 056例,其中重症病例619例,死亡13例;年均报告发病率为47.37/10万,死亡率为0.19/10万,病死率为0.04%。不同年份发病率差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。不同县(市、区)间的报告发病率差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。春夏季为高发季节,发病数占58.82%。发病率最高为川汇区(146.50/10万),最低为项城市(18.61/10万)。发病年龄5岁及以下幼儿为最高,占97.61%,男性发病率(66.16/10万)高于女性(37.15/10万)(P<0.01),男女比为1.80∶1。不同县区、城乡、年龄发病率差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。病原学检测阳性率为82.27%(984/1 196),EV71阳性率最高为46.74%(559/1 196),其次为CA16占8.45%(101/1 196),其他肠道病毒27.09%(324/1 196)。轻症、重症和死亡病例中EV71阳性率分别为29.62%、69.86%、84.62%,差异有统计学意义。结论 2009~2015年周口市手足口病每间隔1~2年一个流行高峰。EV71为流行优势毒株。 Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of hand-foot-mouth disease in Zhoukou City and provide a scientific basis for the prevention and control measures of hand-foot-mouth disease. Methods Epidemiological methods were used to analyze the data of epidemic situation and etiological monitoring of HFMD in Zhoukou City from 2009 to 2015. Results A total of 30 056 HFMD cases were reported in Zhoukou from 2009 to 2015, of which 619 were severe cases and 13 were fatal cases. The average annual incidence was 47.37 / 100 000, the mortality rate was 0.19 / 100 000 and the case fatality rate was 0.04% . The incidence of different years was statistically significant (P <0.01). The reported incidence rates among different counties (cities, districts) were statistically significant (P <0.01). Spring and summer high season, the incidence of 58.82%. The highest incidence of Chuanhui District (146.50 / 100,000), the lowest city (18.61 / 100,000). The highest incidence was found in children aged 5 years and younger (97.61%). The incidence of males (66.16 / 100000) was higher than that of females (37.15 / 100000) (P <0.01). The male / female ratio was 1.80:1. The differences of incidence among different counties, urban and rural areas and age were statistically significant (P <0.01). The positive rate of etiological detection was 82.27% (984/1 196), the highest positive rate of EV71 was 46.74% (559/1 196), followed by CA16 (8.41%), other famoviruses 27.09% (324 / 1 196). The positive rates of EV71 in mild, severe and fatal cases were 29.62%, 69.86% and 84.62% respectively, the difference was statistically significant. Conclusion From 2009 to 2015, hand, mouth and mouth disease in Zhoukou City peaked at intervals of 1 to 2 years. EV71 is a pandemic strain.
提出了一种物联网构架下电能智能计量分层协作体系,由感知层、网络层和应用层构成.在感知层中,采用UHF RFID和传感技术来感知电量参数的变化,获取电能信息;在网络层中,构建一
在2017年阿布扎比防务展上,比利时FN公司展出专门为SCAR系列突击步枪研制的SmartCore射弹计数器。该计数器安装在步枪的下机匣内,通过探测运动部件的向后运动来记录步枪发射枪弹的数量,无需电池,也不需要维护保养。其采用全自动软件以获得枪械的准确信息,而且不会影响步枪的使用性能。该计数器还可安装在M249、Mk48机枪上使用。  編辑/曾振宇
在110 kV高压变压器上设置9个法兰手孔,并且安装了3种类型的超高频传感器,分别为盘锥天线、平面等角螺旋天线和阿基米德螺线型天线传感器.设计并制作了悬浮放电,尖端放电,沿