读陈少丰先生的《中国雕塑史》,不仅可以从中获得丰富的中国雕塑的知识,更能看到一位从教60多年的教授和一生治学不已的学者的许多精神。 文如其人。《中国雕塑史》很好地反映了作为学者、教授的陈少丰先生的学养和为人。作为学者,他是严谨的、认真的:作为教授、他是循循善诱、诲人不倦的;而作为一个普通人,他则对己严、待人宽、乐于助人,颇有长者之风。《中国雕塑史》字里行间不同程序地反映出陈少丰先生的这些特点。
Reading Chen Shaofeng’s “History of Chinese Sculpture” can not only gain rich knowledge of Chinese sculpture, but also can see much of the spirit of a professor who has taught for more than 60 years and a scholar of endless learning throughout his life. Man as the text. The History of Chinese Sculpture reflects well the academic and human nature of Chen Shaofeng, a scholar and professor. As a scholar, he is rigorous and serious: as a professor, he is persuasive and persevering; as an ordinary person, he is strict with others, wide and helpful, and enjoys the style of elders. The book “History of Chinese Sculpture” reflects these features of Mr. Chen Shaofeng in different procedures.