First, what is the re-understanding of the teaching content? “Course content = teaching content = teaching content” is a common problem in school sports theory, but in essence, the course content, teaching material, teaching content is three Connected but differentiated concepts. [1] To clarify these concepts, it will help theorists and front-line teachers to conduct more targeted research and discussion respectively from the curriculum level, teaching material compilation level and teaching level, to effectively implement the physical education and health curriculum standards and improve the teaching of physical education the quality of. The author pointed out in the previous research: Physical education and health course content is the fact, concept, principle, skill, tactics, attitude, values and other factors selected in order to achieve the specific physical education curriculum goal. [2] as the four elements of learning and the six major categories of sports that contain the elements of “sports participation, exercise skills, physical health, mental health and social adaptation ”, is the basic composition of the physical education curriculum content; physical education teaching materials are textbooks (Mainly refers to a variety of sports) in the specific content of a variety of body games and sports in the specific movement