6月13日,经陕西省档案工作目标管理考评组的考评,省新闻出版局档案室晋升为省二级。 省新闻出版局档案室成立于1972年1月5日。目前,档案工作由冀东山局长分管。该局有着重视档案工作的传统,近几年该局的档案工作得到了进一步的加强,重点改进和完善了档案工作制度,规范了档案管理程序,使局机关档案管理工作逐步走上了科学化管
June 13, Shaanxi Provincial Archives job management evaluation team evaluation, Provincial Press and Publication Bureau archives promoted to the provincial level. Provincial Press and Publication Bureau archives was established in January 5, 1972. At present, the file manager in charge of Jidongshan. The bureau has the tradition of attaching importance to the work of archives. In recent years, the archives work of the bureau has been further strengthened, focusing on improving and perfecting the system of archival work and standardizing the procedure of archives management, so that the bureaucratic archives management has gradually taken on a scientific tube